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©Woolly Thoughts 2020

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Pat Ashforth

Steve Plummer

Ben Ashforth

If you are a member of Ravelry, come and join us in the Woolly Thoughts group, which is one of the largest groups on Ravelry. You need to be a member of Ravelry to access the group. Ravelry is entirely dedicated to knitting and crochet although groups have their own emphasis.

The Woolly Thoughts group concentrates on Woolly Thoughts designs and other mathematical and scientific topics. Do not be frightened away by the thought of mathematical discussion. Much of it is very light-hearted and only loosely connected to what you might consider to be Maths. It is also the main source of information about illusion knitting.

It is also the premier group for learning about illusion knitting.

If you are not a member you can join at  Ravelry.com

